<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">I've recently decided to use Digikam 5.9 on linuxmint 18.3, and I'm studying how the program works.<br>I met this difficulty:<br>in some photos of my collection (previously managed by Picasa) there are some keywords.<br>Using Exiftool I want to add more keywords to groups of images:<br><br>   exiftool -keywords + = "$ {XTAG}" -overwrite_original -ext .jpg -ext .arw "$ {Xpath}"<br>or<br>   exiftool '-keywords + <$ {make;} _ $ {model;}' -overwrite_original -ext .jpg -ext .arw "$ {Xpath}"<br><br>this works well, and the keywords are correctly written in the file and them are visible with the command<br>   exiftool -keywords -rating -colorlabel -picklabel -ext.jpg -ext .arw "$ {Xpath}".<br><br>When these files are uploaded to digikam, some keywords are not visible:<br>images with keywords inserted with exiftool: everything is ok!<br>in digikam the keywords are visible in:<br>"Thumnails icons view"<br>"Properties"> digiKam Properties> Tags: .....<br>"Metadata"> IPTC> IIM Application 2> .... (I do not know what it is ...)<br>"Filter"> Tags Filter> ....<br>and also you can search and find the keywords by "Filter".<br><br>But in the files that have a keyword previously inserted by Picasa the keywords added by exiftool are only visible in "Metadata"> IPTC> IIM Application 2> ....<br>In "Thumnails" in "Properties" and in "Icons View" there is the original keyword but not the ones added with exiftool.<br>More, in "Filter" the keywords are not recognized ....<br>Exactly the same happens with Digikam 6.0.<br>Any suggestion?</div><div>sorry for my english!</div><div>Thanks for any help!<br></div></div>