Eventually, I end up reversing to Digikam 1.2.0 version, with very appreciated bonuses:<br> - I can now use the RAW tool (it was greyed before and could not be launched, as I've said in another topic)<br> - Piwigo Export plugin now seems to work every time (touching wood ...); I can change gallery (I have several) without a glitch<br>
<br>But I still have problem with the Facebook export plugin, not finding the existing albums, as said in a previous mail 2 days ago. I'd appreciate any advice on that particular matter.<br><br>What I would like to do in the near future is to switch to another Linux distrib, as Ubuntu is always so late behind each Digikam new version.<br>
Any advice about Linux distrib that provides packages for Digikam and kipi-plugins on a regular basis?<br><br>Thanks for helping,<br>Marie-Noëlle<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Une galerie photos, un blog ... pourquoi pas ? <a href="http://www.webmaster-en-herbe.net/" target="_blank">Webmaster en herbe</a><br>
<br>Parcourez les Cévennes à ma façon : <a href="http://www.cevennes-plurielles.com" target="_blank">Cévennes Plurielles</a><br><br>Et toutes mes autres publications à partir de ma <a href="http://www.marie-noelle-augendre.com" target="_blank">page d'accueil générale</a><br>