Hi.<br><br>As I didn't receive answers I'm reposting my problem here to see if you have even a partial solution:<br><br>* I still can't add new albums and/or photos and the most recent pictures aren't visible altough they are in the disk.<br>
* Digikam reports files in the database which are not in the disk, I accept to delete them but next time that digikam is started the same report appears.<br>* Error msgs starting digikam in the console:<br><br>QDate::fromString: Parameter out of range<br>
Warning: Makernote: Pointer to next IFD is out of bounds; ignored.<br>Error: Directory Iop with 8224 entries considered invalid; not read.<br>Warning: IFD1: Pointer to next IFD is out of bounds; ignored.<br><br>Versions: Qt: 3.3.8b
KDE: 3.5.10
digiKam: 0.9.5-beta3<br>(Debian packages, ext3 filesystem)<br><br>Now, I can only think of a few alternatives. <br>a) Waiting for the next Debian package of digikam to see if it works.<br>b) Trying that digikam starts a new database from scratch (is deleting digikam.db enough??) losing hundreds of tags and comments but at least keeping my photos and being able to use the program again.<br>
c) Wiping all signs of Digikam from muy hard disk (again losing comments etc) and trying to use another program (I consider them worse but they may work for me).<br><br>Any ideas to keep as much as possible of the database and making digikam reconstruct it?<br>
<br>Thanks again for your help.<br><br><br><br>