Turn on tags and flags with full-screen view

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 06:51:41 GMT 2024

Directly in the slideshow with the "F2" key or the tool button at the bottom 
left. The "F1" key shows help for all possible keys.



Am Sonntag, 7. Januar 2024, 03:54:41 CET schrieb Jay:
> Greetings,
> After selecting to view an expanded image by clicking on the right-sided
> triangle at the top of a thumbnail, I want to see my tags, flags, and
> labels at the lower left corner of the expanded image. I simply have a
> mental block for finding the method for turning on those items and would
> appreciate being told again how to turn those items on. Thank you, and I
> apologize for needing repeated instruction.
> Jay Rutherford

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