When digikam window is closed, the process don't die, and consumes 100% of resources.

Benoît Barbier benoitlst at ouvaton.org
Wed Apr 24 18:07:05 BST 2024

Thanks for your help
I got a log file of 792054 lines.
All identical until the end of the log file
Thousands of times :
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...

Here's the head of the file


Le 24/04/24 à 17:55, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
> export QT_LOGGING_RULES="digikam*=true" && digikam
-------------- next part --------------
digikam.widgets: Use installed icons
digikam.general: AlbumWatch is disabled
digikam.general: Database Parameters:
   Type:                        "QSQLITE"
   DB Core Name:                "/home/benoit/.digikam_db/digikam4.db"
   DB Thumbs Name:              "/home/benoit/.digikam_db/thumbnails-digikam.db"
   DB Face Name:                "/home/benoit/.digikam_db/recognition.db"
   DB Similarity Name:          "/home/benoit/.digikam_db/similarity.db"
   Connect Options:             ""
   Host Name:                   ""
   Host Port:                   -1
   WAL Mode:                    true
   Internal Server:             false
   Internal Server Path:        ""
   Internal Server Init Cmd:    ""
   Internal Server Admin Cmd:   ""
   Internal Server Program Cmd: ""
   Internal Server Upgrade Cmd: ""
   Username:                    ""
   Password:                    ""

digikam.dbengine: Loading SQL code from config file "/usr/share/digikam/database/dbconfig.xml"
digikam.dbengine: Checking XML version ID => expected:  3  found:  3
digikam.dbengine: WAL mode is enabled for "digikam4.db"
digikam.coredb: Core database: running schema update
digikam.coredb: Core database: have a structure version  16
digikam.coredb: Core database: makeUpdates  16  to  16
digikam.database: Creating new Location  "/benoit/RAW"  uuid  "volumeid:?uuid=8183c3fd-295e-4013-86cf-b4822379ab25&fileuuid=2d1fae92-6c7d-4325-9065-0a340468a0eb"
digikam.database: Found Location "/home/benoit/RAW" with file uuid "2d1fae92..."
digikam.database: Partition uuid possibly changed from "/home"
digikam.database: Found Location "/home/benoit/RAW" with file uuid "2d1fae92..."
digikam.database: Location for "/home/benoit/RAW" is available: true => case sensitivity: 2
digikam.general: Allowing a cache size of 350 MB
digikam.dbengine: WAL mode is enabled for "thumbnails-digikam.db"
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: ThumbDB SelectThumbnailSetting val ret =  0
digikam.thumbsdb: Thumbs database: have a structure version  "3"
digikam.general: Thumbnails database ready for use
digikam.dbengine: WAL mode is enabled for "similarity.db"
digikam.similaritydb: SimilarityDb SelectSimilaritySetting val ret =  0
digikam.similaritydb: SimilarityDb SelectSimilaritySetting val ret =  0
digikam.similaritydb: Similarity database: have a structure version  "1"
digikam.similaritydb: Similarity database ready for use
digikam.dimg: ("/usr/share/color/icc", "/home/benoit/.local/share/icc")
digikam.dimg: No X.org XICC profile installed for screen  0
digikam.general: [GeolocationSettingsContainer]
   mapFont(QFont(DejaVu Sans,14,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0)), 
digikam.general: Camera XML data:  "/home/benoit/.local/share/digikam/cameras.xml"
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool config path: "/usr/bin/exiftool"
digikam.metaengine: Path to ExifTool: "/usr/bin/exiftool"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::start(): create new ExifTool instance: "/usr/bin/exiftool" ("-stay_open", "true", "-@", "-", "-common_args", "-charset", "filename=UTF8", "-charset", "iptc=UTF8")
digikam.general: Starting to load external tools.
digikam.general: Parsing plugins from ("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/")
digikam.general: Plugins found: 141
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool process started
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_ImageMagick_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_PNG_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_QImage_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_TIFF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_HEIF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_JPEG_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_PGF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginDImg loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/dimg/DImg_RAW_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ProfileConversionTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_LensAutoFixTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_FilmGrainTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_PrintTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_AutoCropTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_AdjustLevelsTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ColorFxTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_RatioCropTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_BorderTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ChannelMixerTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_OilPaintTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_PerspectiveTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_EmbossTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_AdjustCurvesTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_HotpixelsTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_FreeRotationTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_AntivignettingTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_Convert8To16Tool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_Convert16To8Tool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_HSLTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_BlurTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_CharcoalTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_AutoCorrectionTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_LocalContrastTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_InsertTextTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_InvertTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_CBTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_BlurFxTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_NoiseReductionTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_LensDistortionTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_BcgTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_HealingCloneTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ShearTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ContentAwareResizeTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_BWSepiaTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_RedEyeTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_RainDropTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_WhiteBalanceTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_TextureTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_FilmTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_SharpenTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_RestorationTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_DistortionFxTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginEditor loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/editor/Editor_ResizeTool_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_SmugMug_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Pinterest_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_GeolocationEdit_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_SlideShow_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_HtmlGallery_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Flickr_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Wallpaper_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_ImageShack_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_iNaturalist_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_ExpoBlending_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_VideoSlideShow_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_DropBox_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_SendByMail_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_TextConverter_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Box_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_FileCopy_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_MediaWiki_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_TimeAdjust_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Twitter_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Presentation_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Google_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_GLViewer_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_OneDrive_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_PrintCreator_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_MetadataEdit_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Calendar_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_FileTransfer_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_MjpegStream_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_JAlbum_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Ignoring blacklisted plugin "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Rajce_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Ignoring specific Showfoto plugin in digiKam "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_DNGConverter_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Panorama_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_ImgUr_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_MediaServer_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginGeneric loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/generic/Generic_Piwigo_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginRawImport loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/rawimport/RawImport_DarkTable_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginRawImport loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/rawimport/RawImport_Native_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginRawImport loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/rawimport/RawImport_ART_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginRawImport loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/rawimport/RawImport_UFRaw_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginRawImport loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/rawimport/RawImport_RawTherapee_Plugin.so"
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneSettings","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GoeSceneMap","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneSection","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneGeodata","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneLayer","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneDocument","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneVector","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneHead","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneLegend","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneTileDataset","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoSceneItem","http://edu.kde.org/marble/dgml/2.0") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataAnimatedUpdate","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataBalloonStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataCamera","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataData","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataDocument","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataExtendedData","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataFolder","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataFlyTo","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataGroundOverlay","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataIconStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLatLonAlt","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLatLonBox","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLatLonQuad","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLabelStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLinearRing","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLineString","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLineStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLink","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataListStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLod","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataLookAt","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataModel","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataMultiGeometry","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataMultiTrack","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataNetworkLink","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataNetworkLinkControl","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPhotoOverlay","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPlacemark","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPlaylist","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPoint","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPolygon","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataPolyStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataRegion","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataSchema","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataSchemaData","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataSimpleData","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataSimpleField","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataScreenOverlay","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataStyleMap","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataStyle","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataTimeSpan","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataTimeStamp","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataTour","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataTrack","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.marble: Warning: The tag QPair("GeoDataUpdate","http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2") is already registered. Often this indicates that multiple versions of the marblewidget library are loaded at the same time. This will likely lead to problems. Please check your installation, especially internal Marble plugins and external applications that install Marble plugins.
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToDNG_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Translate_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Rotate_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_BWconvert_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Convert8To16_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToJXL_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Texture_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToJPEG_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Sharpen_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_AssignTags_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_AntiVignetting_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_UserScript_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Invert_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_NoiseReduction_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_AssignLabels_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Crop_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToPGF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_AssignTemplate_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ChannelMixer_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToWEBP_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Border_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Blur_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToAVIF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ColorBalance_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Flip_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_FilmGrain_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_AutoCorrection_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_HslCorrection_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ColorFX_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Assigncaptions_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_TimeAdjust_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Resize_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToPNG_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Restoration_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_RedEyeCorrection_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToTIFF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ConvertToHEIF_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_CurvesAdjust_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_Convert16To8_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_WaterMark_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_QualitySort_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_BcgCorrection_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_LocalContrast_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_WhiteBalance_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_RemoveMetadata_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_ApplyMetadata_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_IccConvert_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_HotPixels_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: Plugin of type Digikam::DPluginBqm loaded from "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/digikam/bqm/Bqm_LensAutoFix_Plugin.so"
digikam.general: void Digikam::DPluginLoader::Private::loadPlugins() Time elapsed: 765 ms
digikam.dbengine: WAL mode is enabled for "recognition.db"
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: FaceDB SelectFaceSetting val ret =  0
digikam.facedb: Face database: have a structure version  "4"
digikam.facesengine: Face database ready for use
digikam.facedb: Start reading shape predictor file
digikam.facedb: Cannot found faces engine model "shapepredictor.dat"
digikam.facedb: Faces recognition feature cannot be used!
digikam.facedb: Cannot found faces engine DNN model "openface_nn4.small2.v1.t7"
digikam.facedb: Faces recognition feature cannot be used!
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool config path: "/usr/bin/exiftool"
digikam.metaengine: Path to ExifTool: "/usr/bin/exiftool"
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::start(): create new ExifTool instance: "/usr/bin/exiftool" ("-stay_open", "true", "-@", "-", "-common_args", "-charset", "filename=UTF8", "-charset", "iptc=UTF8")
digikam.metaengine: ExifTool process started
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
Hspell: can't open /usr/share/hspell/hebrew.wgz.sizes.
kf.sonnet.clients.hspell: HSpellDict::HSpellDict: Init failed
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: "browse_album"
digikam.general: "browse_tag"
digikam.general: "browse_labels"
digikam.general: "browse_date"
digikam.general: "browse_timeline"
digikam.general: "browse_search"
digikam.general: "browse_fuzzysearch"
digikam.general: "browse_gpssearch"
digikam.general: "browse_people"
digikam.widgets: Paths to color scheme :  ("/usr/share/digikam/colorschemes")
digikam.widgets: ""  ::  ""
digikam.widgets: "GrayCard"  ::  "/usr/share/digikam/colorschemes/graycard.colors"
kf.xmlgui: Unhandled container to remove :  Digikam::DigikamApp
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run 1 new jobs
digikam.general: Added root album called:  "RAW"
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run 1 new jobs
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run 1 new jobs
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Stacked View Mode :  0
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run 1 new jobs
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.database: " ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) "
digikam.database: Search query:
 "SELECT DISTINCT Images.id, Images.name, Images.album,        Albums.albumRoot,        ImageInformation.rating, Images.category,        ImageInformation.format, ImageInformation.creationDate,        Images.modificationDate, Images.fileSize,        ImageInformation.width, ImageInformation.height,        ImagePositions.latitudeNumber, ImagePositions.longitudeNumber  FROM Images        LEFT JOIN ImageInformation ON Images.id=ImageInformation.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImageMetadata    ON Images.id=ImageMetadata.imageid        LEFT JOIN VideoMetadata    ON Images.id=VideoMetadata.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImagePositions   ON Images.id=ImagePositions.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImageProperties  ON Images.id=ImageProperties.imageid        INNER JOIN Albums          ON Albums.id=Images.album WHERE Images.status=1 AND (  ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) )  );" 
 (QVariant(int, 2), QVariant(int, 3), QVariant(int, 5), QVariant(int, 4))
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Using  8  CPU core to run threads
digikam.general: Action Thread run 1 new jobs
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: One job is done  Digikam::BuildTrashCountersJob(0x5640aef2b010)  time: 128
digikam.general: One job is done  Digikam::TagsJob(0x5640aef45850)  time: 109
digikam.database: Search result: 301
digikam.database: " ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) "
digikam.database: Search query:
 "SELECT DISTINCT Images.id, Images.name, Images.album,        Albums.albumRoot,        ImageInformation.rating, Images.category,        ImageInformation.format, ImageInformation.creationDate,        Images.modificationDate, Images.fileSize,        ImageInformation.width, ImageInformation.height,        ImagePositions.latitudeNumber, ImagePositions.longitudeNumber  FROM Images        LEFT JOIN ImageInformation ON Images.id=ImageInformation.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImageMetadata    ON Images.id=ImageMetadata.imageid        LEFT JOIN VideoMetadata    ON Images.id=VideoMetadata.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImagePositions   ON Images.id=ImagePositions.imageid        LEFT JOIN ImageProperties  ON Images.id=ImageProperties.imageid        INNER JOIN Albums          ON Albums.id=Images.album WHERE Images.status=1 AND (  ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) ) OR ( (ImageInformation.rating = ?) )  );" 
 (QVariant(int, 2), QVariant(int, 3), QVariant(int, 5), QVariant(int, 4))
digikam.general: One job is done  Digikam::DatesJob(0x5640aef399a0)  time: 122
digikam.database: Search result: 301
digikam.general: One job is done  Digikam::SearchesJob(0x5640af2233c0)  time: 39
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add database writer
digikam.general: Face PipeLine: add faces trainer
digikam.marble: updateMapThemeModel
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "CloudsBlending"
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "SunLightBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/bluemarble/bluemarble.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/citylights/citylights.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: DgmlBlendingTagHandler::parse "AlphaBlending"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/openstreetmap/openstreetmap.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/plain/plain.dgml"
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy () 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy () 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/srtm2/srtm2.dgml"
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("tile.openstreetmap.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 1 20
digikam.marble: added download policy ("maps.kde.org") 0 2
digikam.marble: Map theme file successfully loaded: "/usr/share/digikam/marble/maps/earth/vectorosm/vectorosm.dgml"
digikam.geoiface: "setting backend marble"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.geoiface: "ROADMAP"
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.general: One job is done  Digikam::SearchesJob(0x5640af237be0)  time: 590
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.metaengine: Check ExifTool availability: true
digikam.general: scan mode: ScanDeferredFiles
digikam.general: total scan value :  4090
digikam.general: total scan value :  4120
digikam.database: items to tag ()
digikam.database: Complete scan took: 317 msecs.
digikam.general: Event is dispatched to desktop notifier through DBUS
digikam.geoiface: ----
digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
digikam.general: Finish Main Thread
digikam.metaengine: ExifToolProcess::terminate(): send ExifTool shutdown command...
QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...
QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 82 and type 'Read', disabling...

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