how to detect corrupted file

frederic chaume frederic.chaume at
Fri Apr 14 11:07:22 BST 2023

Hi Paul

thanks a lot, that will be very useful, I will test it next week

Fyi , I got the options from


Le 14/04/2023 à 05:54, Paul Norman a écrit :
> Hi Bob,
> Yes file names passed in that way can have unknown things happening 
> behind the scenes :-)
> PowerShell can help here, but Dos can still do it effectively and 
> quickly, as you are working in it, here are some dos shell command 
> lines you could try executing.
> (If you find this working, it could be converted into a batch file, 
> once any other needed modifications have been worked out later. Note 
> that %-s would need to be changed to %% in a .bat batch file.)
> I downloaded a working copy of from exiv2 from
> Looks like you got your option commands from(?):
> Locally, open a dos prompt up at the top of the directory tree you 
> want to explore.
> If all you can see is PowerShell, then when that opens type :-
> cmd <Enter>
> Again, make sure you are in the top of the directory tree you want to 
> explore.
> The overall system PATH does not appear to need alteration, as 
> exiv2.exe when called directly, appears to find all that it needs 
> locally.
> So first set your exiv2.exe file's full location, change the path to 
> fit your setup, using quotes especially if you have any spaces in your 
> .exe directory path. :-
> set exiv2FullPath="G:\utils\exiv2-0.27.6-2019msvc64\bin\exiv2.exe"
> And alter the below to your situation (change the *.exts to whatever 
> you need, fewer or more, leaving a space between them):
> Then execute each of these  lines one after the other :-
> del results.txt & for /r  %i in (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.crw *.dng) do 
> %exiv2FullPath% "%i"  -pp -q >> results.txt
> find ": 0 x 0" results.txt > possible_corrupt.txt
> notepad results.txt & notepad possible_corrupt.txt
> <-- Try the above first, but if necessary, in the second command line 
> above, change ": 0 x 0" to whatever is signifying your corrupt file(s) 
> as shown in the file: results.txt. Copy and paste the needed text out 
> of results.txt between the "quote marks" as I suspect otherwise 
> invisible tabs U+0009 could be being used.
> Close the notepads: for results.txt and poss_corrupt.txt - when you 
> want to run the command again over the same directory tree.
> At worst you can scan though the file: results.txt  manually in notepad.
> N.B.
> Just note that the file: results.txt  will get overwritten each time 
> you run the main command, so copy or rename it first if you want to 
> keep it :-)
> Hope that this will help you,
> Kindest regards,
> Paul
> On 14/04/2023 2:16 am, plowmail2010 at wrote:
>> Using Windows 7.
>> I could not get wildcards to work in exiv2.
>> The manual says  "$ exiv2 *.jpg Prints a summary of the Exif 
>> information for all JPEG files in the directory."
>> But that gives me "*.jpg: Failed to open the file".
>> Also, while fiddling with this, the length of exiv2.exe went to 0. 
>> Maybe the program got tired of my fiddling, or my computer is about 
>> to explode.
>> Bob
>> On 4/13/2023 7:02 AM, frederic chaume wrote:
>>> Hi All
>>> I found an option using exiv2 under windows
>>> >bin\exiv2.exe -pp -q P2280067_DxO-corrupted.jpg
>>> Exiv2 exception in print action for file P2280067_DxO-corrupted.jpg:
>>> P2280067_DxO-corrupted.jpg: The file contains data of an unknown 
>>> image type
>>> >bin\exiv2.exe -pp -q P2280067_DxO.jpg
>>> Preview 1: image/jpeg, 317x237 pixels, 17356 bytes
>>> >bin\exiv2.exe -pp -q .\P2280067.ORF
>>> Preview 1: image/jpeg, 160x120 pixels, 9080 bytes
>>> Preview 2: image/jpeg, 3200x2400 pixels, 1060974 bytes
>>> I think that could be a good solution to find corrupted jpeg. Based 
>>> on this I have some thought
>>> - as exiv2 is native with Digikam, I guess such error could be 
>>> visible? *Is there some "debug level" or some logs somewhere that 
>>> could report such errors ?*
>>> - I'm not expert on coding so don't know how to translate such 
>>> command to a recursive search on a set of folders?
>>> - seems to apply to raw also , but I don't have corrupted raw to 
>>> perform the test
>>> thanks to share your feedbacks and may be other option
>>> Frederic
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