[digiKam-users] Installation on Win 10 - problem solved

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 08:57:46 BST 2020


This Windows 10 problem is known. In fact Microsoft want to promote
the Store in fact the direct download installer. They want to
reproduce the Apple model here. So the Windows defender drop
automatically the executable installed from outside the Store.

Publishing digiKAm to the store is possible, as another KDE
application already do it, This require:

1 a computer with Windows 10 to compile whole code and dependencies.
2 the Microsoft compiler
3 a compilation workflow to compile whole dependencies and finally the
target for the store (it's only possible with the Microsoft SDK)
4 an account to upload and validate the application on the store.

All these stages are more and less ready for digiKam using the
Continuous Deployment from KDE infrastructure, but the compilation
workflow is still broken with Microsoft Windows compiler. In opposite,
the Continuous Integration with Microsoft compiler work as expected,
so it mostly a settings problem with the compiler used with the
Continuous deployment (which is different than the Continuous

You must know that the whole digiKam Windows installer is cross
compiled under Linux with MXE. There is no Windows here. this prevent
virus and malware infection during this process.

Also using Linux is 1000 times more easy to program than Windows with
scripting. I hate to use Windows (and i must use it for development in
my office which is a waste of time).

Voilà for the technical details around Windows stuff and security
issue with Defender.

My best

Gilles Caulier

Le lun. 17 août 2020 à 02:14, <admin at designoutcrime.org> a écrit :
> Thank you Stephen,
> What you say makes good sense and aligns with my experiences of what happens when trying to install DigiKam - all the files install correctly, but Windows refuses to open them. It explains why it works to copy  over them with an identical extracted tar.gz version of the same code.
> I'm puzzled the issue isn't reported more by users of DigiKam as it is so structural.
> The problem for me was with Win 10 Pro. Perhaps  it doesn't apply to other Windows editions?
> Best wishes and thanks again,
> Terence
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Digikam-users <digikam-users-bounces at kde.org> On Behalf Of Stephen Leibowitz
> Sent: Sunday, 16 August 2020 9:39 PM
> To: digikam-users at kde.org
> Subject: Re: [digiKam-users] Installation on Win 10 - problem solved
> If other users have the same problem on Windows, they might try unblocking the downloaded installer before running it. See “ZIP files should be “unblocked” before their contents are extracted” at https://web.archive.org/web/20180809174548/https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/delay/p/unblockingdownloadedfile/
> . That article is about ZIP files, but the concept is the same for installer files.
> I wrote a post on a Krita forum that also discusses the issue. See
> https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=139&t=161647&p=420031#p420031 . It references the Krita FAQ which says in part, “...or tell Microsoft Security Essentials to make an exception for Krita.”
> While downloaded .tar.xz files are also marked as blocked, it is not necessary to unblock them. Windows itself cannot extract from .tar.xz .
> Instead, you would use a third-party program, such as 7-Zip or PeaZip. The third-party programs will ignore the block and not propagate the block tag to the extracted files.
> --
> Sent from: http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/digikam-users-f1735189.html

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