[digiKam-users] [FR for usability]: Default search mode visible

digikam at 911networks.com digikam at 911networks.com
Fri Jun 28 16:29:42 BST 2019

On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 03:43:05 -0500 (CDT)
Rafael Linux <rafael.linux.user at gmail.com> wrote:

> Last year I discussed here about the convenience of disable "auto
> searching" just in single search when the user type any letter or
> if some search was done previously and the user open the "Search"
> tab. On large databases it hangs DK. In DK 6.1 I was presuming it
> was changed, but it is not. You implemented a hidden and not very
> intuitive way to disable the "autosearch". I needed to search in
> this forum to find a way to do it
> (http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/digiKam-users-dk6b3-searches-td4707224.html#a4707235).

It's not just large datasets, even medium one. The problem is the
thumbnails. DK is retrieving the thumbnails for the images that
qualify for the "as is" search.

> So, please, to avoid headaches for users with large databases,
> could you change the option to "DK configuration, Others, Search"
> or even a button next to the search cell with "Search with enter"
> enabled by default, or even simply a "Search" button. Any way that
> let user choose when the search must begin. 


It would make DK much more responsive.

The other problem is that DK remember the last search and tries to
execute it when I enter the search tab.

* If after the search I close DK.
* If the last search was a very large dataset, something like almost
  almost all the images. Starting DK will "take forever" because not
  only it's checking for the new images, but it's also executing the
  search from the last time (which I don't need anymore).
* DK doesn't like having the search interrupted. More often than
  not, DK would crash if I interrupt the search.
* I've had to learn to live with the very slow starts because I
  exited DK after a search. Now I try to remember to switch back to
  albums before exiting.



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