[digiKam-users] Use an existing folder as collection

kuddels kuddels at gmx.de
Mon Aug 13 18:37:20 BST 2018


I have an huge folder containing all my pictures. This folder "My pictures"
and its sub folders has the following structure:

My pictures
+-- yyyy event 1
  +--yyyymmdd day 1
  +--yyyymmdd day 2
  +-- etc
+-- yyyy event 2
  +--yyyymmdd day 1
  +--yyyymmdd day 1
  +-- etc
+-- etc

Now I plan to use the folder "My picures" as root collection for Digikam,
but I only want to import a selection of the events in the folder "My
picures". So with respect to the example given above I want to import "event
1" but do not want to import "event 2". But it seems to me that is not
possible, is it? (the exclude option is no option)

I think the only solution is: I have to set up a new folder for my
collection, e.g. "My pictures 2" and then import the required folders. But I
do not want to have two root folders containing pictures, in best case I do
not want to change my existing structure. 

So, is it possible to use my folder "My pictures" but not to import all the
sub folders?
What solution you would suggest?

Thanks in advance!

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