Importing on a Mac

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at
Sat Nov 5 17:00:51 GMT 2016

2016-11-05 17:03 GMT+01:00 Olli Lupton <digikam.2759cfa7 at>:

> Hi all,
> I am using digikam 5.2.0 (the official precompiled DMG) with macOS 10.12.1
> Sierra. I am trying to import photos from an SD card (/Volumes/LUMIX/)
> using a builtin card reader.
> Has anyone managed to get photo importing to work with 5.2.0 on a Mac? On
> the 'Import' menu there are three submenus (
> open?id=0BwtItL1r6xBBRTczZEZnejNoMXc), but the 'USB Storage Devices' and
> 'Card Readers' options are both empty while the 'Cameras' one allows me to
> try and add a device manually (
> 0BwtItL1r6xBBSk5DdEdoa1FScW8). If I try to add it manually the dialog
> doesn't look like it does in the documentation (
> using-setup.html#using-setup-camera), and my guess for how to populate it
> doesn't work (
> 0BwtItL1r6xBBYkUya1QyVXliaGM,
> 0BwtItL1r6xBBVEF0VVJBUVE5Mzg).
> Is there a way of fixing this, or do I just need to handle copying photos
> off the SD card outside digikam?

Copy outside digiKam. The Import tool cannot detect device currently due to
limitation on KDE::Solid interface.

We need to find another way to handle SD cards under OSX.

Gilles Caulier
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