[Digikam-users] Do the 'panorama tools' work on the MacPorts version of Digikam?

bkn bkn at ithryn.net
Sun Oct 9 19:20:07 BST 2011

On Oct 9, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Phil Stanford wrote:

> Thanks for your mail - 
> On 9 October 2011 17:21, bkn <bkn at ithryn.net> wrote:
> I'm running digikam (v2.2.0) on OS X. I haven't been able to get the pano tools to run correctly, it crashes during the optimization stage of the pano. However to get as far as i did, i needed to patch the code very slightly, which has been submitted as a patch to the devs. 
> OK, I guess you're building 2.2.0 from the tarball then?  I've stuck to using MacPorts , more within my comfort zone for the Mac, and generally takes care of all dependencies consistently, although releases lag behind a bit.  Hopefully the package maintainer will pick up on Gilles' forthcoming 2.3.0 release .... 
I build from the git repo. macports is far easier, and i would recommend sticking to that. 

> Alternatively you could still run higin natively on OS X.
> 'align_image_stack' is an executable distributed w/ Hugin. If you download and install it, it'll be located in /Applications/Hugin/HuginTools/. This directory will need to be in your path do digikam knows where to find these executables. 
> I did install the MacPorts version of Hugin, and I do have the  'align_image_stack' executable, which is located in /opt/local/bin like all the other MacPorts binaries (and this is in my path).  Hugin itself seems to run OK. 

Ha. I had no idea hugin was in macports. They also have a standalone application, which is how i've used it in the passed. I'm sure the macports version is the same. 

>> These may be separate issues I guess. 
> sort of. Digikam, does rely on binaries from the Hugin project, hence your error re: align_image_stack. 
> It's odd that MacPorts Digikam can't see MacPorts 'align_image_stack' though (/opt/local/bin is in my path).  I also have the 'panoramagui'  KDE application installed, and similarly that's giving errors about not being able to find the Hugin component 'autooptimiser', so this is probably not a Digikam issue. 

How are you launching digikam, though command line, or through finder? 

If you launch it through finder, i don't believe any shell modifications to your path are passed to the application. If you launch it through the command line, 
 $ /Applications/MacPorts/KDE4/digikam.app/Contents/MacOS/digikam

then your shell environment modifications will be passed to digikam, and it *should* find those executables. Just to be sure, before you launch digikam through the command line, simply try executing 'align_image_stack -h' to see if your shell can see that executable. 

> I'm not sure if there's any overall KDE path that needs tweaking for MacPorts so applications check /opt/local/bin. 
I don't think anything needs tweeking on your end, I believe its a matter of how you lunch digika (see above) -- at least for the time being, perhaps in the future a more cross-plartform method of finding these executables will be put in place). 

> Do you actually get any different functionality using Pano tools through Digikam rather than Hugin then, or is it simply a different front-end? 
i assume they are similar, but since i haven't got digikam's pano tool working, i can't really say. 

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