[Digikam-users] Can't reduce saturation of only 'Red'.

jag59 jldeshpande at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 18:04:07 BST 2010

photonoxx-2 wrote:
> Anyway, something seems a little not inaccurate for me. I don't think it's  
> possible to reduce saturation for the red channel only, since the  
> saturation result of the proportion between different channel. So there's  
> no truly a reduction of the red saturation value, but a reduction of the  
> saturation, only applied on a mask which contain pixel with a certain hue.
> I test Gimp tool on a picture with a pink cloth, if i selected red in  
> place of master channel, and set the saturation to 0, there's still some  
> spots unaffected which are more associated with magenta "channel", so it's  
> not really a reduction of the saturation of a channel, but of a range of  
> hue original value.
> But at the end, it's anyway the result the main thing ;>)
> Nicolas
> Le Tue, 07 Sep 2010 06:59:31 +0200, Gilles Caulier  
> <caulier.gilles at gmail.com> a écrit:
>> Open a new file in bugzilla about this wish...
>> Gilles Caulier
>> 2010/9/7 jag59 <jldeshpande at gmail.com>:
>>> jag59 wrote:
>>>> In editor, with Color> Hue/Saturation/Lightness>Channel Red (in the
>>>> drop-down list), I can not reduce saturation of only 'Red' channel.This
>>>> reduces saturation of all channels in spite of selecting either  
>>>> Luminosity
>>>> or Red or Green or Blue in the drop-down list.
>>>> My Nikon D40 gives much saturated (red) skin in portrait mode.Is there  
>>>> any
>>>> way to achieve this?
>>>> Reducing level of red is not useful as we need to reduce only saturated
>>>> reds, not all reds in the image.
>>>> Reducing 'Temperature' in 'White Balance' overexposes the image,but  
>>>> seems
>>>> this is the only solution presently.
>>>> In many tools,selecting one among Luminosity,Red,Green or Blue from the
>>>> drop-down menu does not make any difference besides showing graph for  
>>>> that
>>>> color.
>>> At last I found  the solution,though not direct but can say a  
>>> workaround.
>>> In Color>Hue/Saturation/Lightness......reduce saturation to @ (-)40  and
>>> then increase vibrance to 70.This attends the over saturated skin tones
>>> without affecting other colors.
>>> This  gives almost same results which I get in GIMP by selecting 'red
>>> instead of default master' in the 'hue-saturation tool' and reducing  
>>> it's
>>> saturation.
>>> Hope in future version the sliders in H/S/L tool will work only on  
>>> selected
>>> channel.
>>> Regards.
>>> -----
>>> Jagdeesh Deshpande.
>>> Registered Linux user #492893
>>> --
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>>> http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/Can-t-reduce-saturation-of-only-Red-tp2332476p2529053.html
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> -- 
> Nicolas Boulesteix - Chasseur de lueurs - http://www.photonoxx.fr
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You are right.

Jagdeesh Deshpande.
Registered Linux user #492893

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