[Digikam-users] Some matters with metadata edit

Photonoxx smtp.no at laposte.net
Mon Feb 2 11:03:49 GMT 2009


I use Digikam 0.10 rc2 (rev 916863), and I notice some matters when I edit  
metadata on my RAW files (but i should probably be the same thing with  

The first thing, is if I check the option for write the default identity  
item as tag, if the named tag already exist, it will be overwritten... Is  
there a way to avoid this ?

A second notice is that when I check a tag in the "caption/tag" tab in the  
right panel and I apply it, Digikam write IPTC and XMP metadata in the RAW  
file, but, if I unchecked this tag afterall, the IPTC seems to be removed  
but the XMP don't. So I don't know if it's bug, a miss or if I miss  
something in configuring Digikam, but it's for me potentially problematic.

A third, less important, thing, is that when I edit and apply some  
metadata, the last modified date of the file is not changed. It make sense  
for me, because I use Synkron to make backup of my album, and as long  
Synkron look only at modification date, it don't see any changes if I only  
modify metadatas with digikam on these files. I don't know if it's  
possible to set the modification date to the files attributes when  
metadatas are modified, but it will be great for me.

Thanks you if someone can give me some answers.

Nicolas Boulesteix - Chasseur de lueurs - http://www.photonoxx.fr

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