[Digikam-users] MPEG slideshow

Franck Collineau franck-collineau at wanadoo.fr
Tue Nov 1 14:56:18 GMT 2005

Gilles Caulier wrote:

>Le Vendredi 28 Octobre 2005 13:12, Franck COLLINEAU a écrit :
>>do the recent releases of kipi-plugin and libkipi solve this bug ?
>Trying with the last RC kipi release and the last mjpegtools release...
I have updated kipi-plugin, libkipi and mjpegtools and I have always the


>>>Message du 27/10/05 20:21
>>>De : "Franck Collineau" <franck-collineau at wanadoo.fr>
>>>A : caulier.gilles at free.fr, "digiKam - Digital Photo Management for the
>>>masses" <digikam-users at kde.org> Copie à :
>>>Objet : Re: [Digikam-users] MPEG slideshow
>>>Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>>Le Jeudi 27 Octobre 2005 13:31, Franck Collineau a écrit :
>>>>>I'm usinf 0.8 beta2 release.
>>>>>I can't create a MPEG slideshow.
>>>>>Here are the error outputs:
>>>>>Any idea ?
>>>>>Thanks !
>>>>>images2mpg --with-gui  -f DVD -n PAL -d 6 -c 000 -T
>>>>>/home/franck/tmp/kde-franck/kipi-mpegencoderplugin-5769/ -M /usr/bin -I
>>>>>/usr/bin -o /home/franck/Documents/output.mpg -i
>>>>>/photos/0-réception/IMG_0141.JPG  /photos/0-réception/IMG_0146.JPG
>>>>>/photos/0-réception/IMG_0147.JPG  /photos/0-réception/IMG_0148.JPG
>>>>>Encoding image files...
>>>>>Images encoding (%) : 0      [0
>>>>>  INFO: [yuvscaler] yuvscaler 1.6.3-rc3 (15-02-2004) is a general
>>>>>scaling utility for yuv frames
>>>>>  INFO: [yuvscaler] (C) 2001-2004 Xavier Biquard <xbiquard at free.fr>,
>>>>>yuvscaler -h for help, or man yuvscaler
>>>>>**ERROR: [yuvscaler] Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!
>>>>>STATUS DE SORTIE : erreur pendant le processus d'encodage.
>>>>Take a look here :
>>>Waiting for the resolution of the issue, I 'm going to use this
>>>program:  http://www.gromeck.de/cms/index.php?image2mpeg.
>>>It seems to be similar.
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