[Digikam-users] Importing captions + comments from Web-Gallery

Felix Eckhofer felix at tribut.de
Sun Aug 21 22:40:20 BST 2005

Hi Felix.

On Sunday, 21. August 2005 23:20, you wrote:
> Gallery2 [...] has the directory structure that corresponds to the
> albums, so the import process would be more straightforward.

Hmm, I did some research in the meantime and found that the gallery 
remote API is actually quite well documented [1]. For my own purposes, 
I don't really have a choice which Gallery version I should use (my 
pictures are on a server running gallery 1 - so that's what I need to 
import) but of course it would be nice to have a working solution for 

> I was thinking about the opposite task - publish the albums from
> digikam straight to your Gallery site.

There is already a plugin which should be able to do that: Check out 
GalleryExport, a kipi-plugin[2]. But afair, it only works with gallery1 
so far.

- - - -
[1] Gallery remote API docs
[2] KIPI plugins
felix_eckhofer  *  [fli4l-/eis-team]  *  ICQ#_59008162

"Ein Betriebssystem sie zu knechten, sie alle zu finden,
 ins Dunkle zu treiben und ewig zu binden..."
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