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Good Morning,<br>
I don't know if this is the correct contact e-mail. <br>
I have two suggestions to improve Digikam. Do'nt know if this will
be considered useful but anyway.<br>
When renaming several photos using the [date] function and {unique}
option, could you add a "e" option ? (= respecting the extension, as
for the # function).<br>
I can shoot RAW+JPG, and with the rafale mode I can shoot several
photos per second.<br>
I usually use the following renaming : "<b>[date:yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss]
Job Keywords</b>"<br>
If I have several photos per seconds, I must add {unique} to avoid
conflicts : "<b>[date:yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss]{unique} Job Keywords</b>"<br>
I get: <br>
2022-01-26_152637 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_1 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_2 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_3 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152638 MyTrip.JPG<br>
Except that with {unique}, the RAW and JPG files end up getting
different file names :<br>
2022-01-26_152637 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_1 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152637_2 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_3 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152637_1 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_2 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152638 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152638 MyTrip.ORF<br>
So it could be nice if the [date]{unique} function could get a "e"
option to keep the same name for the associated JPG and RAW :<br>
2022-01-26_152637 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152637_1 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_1 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152637_2 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152637_2 MyTrip.ORF<br>
2022-01-26_152638 MyTrip.JPG<br>
2022-01-26_152638 MyTrip.ORF<br>
Thank you in advance<br>
<u><b>Proportional crop</b></u> :<br>
In the editor, could be nice if the cropping function was put
immediately as "max aspect" each time I switch the aspect ratio.
Actually I must click again on max aspect each time I change the
aspect ratio.<br>
Thank you in advance<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<address>Lucas Panigali</address>
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