Hello,<br> I had already installed digikam from git using 'git clone git://<a href="http://anongit.kde.org/digikam-software-compilation">anongit.kde.org/digikam-software-compilation</a>' but my kubuntu crashed and I am trying to install it from scratch.But this link doesn't work well giving problems such as connection reset by peer(which I think is a server related problem) so I wanted to ask whether I can download tarball from this link:<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/digikam/files/digikam/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/digikam/files/digikam/</a> and compile it instead of waiting for server to respond.<br>
<br>P.S:My source of installation procedure:<a href="http://www.digikam.org/node/621">http://www.digikam.org/node/621</a><br><br>Thanks <br>