Hi all, <br><br>Just few words about face detection process using current svn implementation :<br><br>- digiKam compiled and installed on a new computer.<br>- Dabatase created from scratch.<br>- duration 35 mn (PIV DC 3.6 Ghz, 2Gb RAM) for these stats :<br>
<br>digiKam version 2.0.0-beta1 (rev.: 1211276)<br>AVI: 4<br>JP2k: 11<br>JPG: 1204<br>MOV: 1<br>MP3: 3<br>MP4: 2<br>MPEG: 2<br>PGF: 1<br>PNG: 186<br>PPM: 3<br>RAW-ARW: 27<br>RAW-CR2: 17<br>RAW-CRW: 6<br>RAW-DCR: 2<br>RAW-DNG: 62<br>
RAW-HDR: 1<br>RAW-MRW: 29<br>RAW-NEF: 16<br>RAW-ORF: 2<br>RAW-PEF: 7<br>RAW-RAF: 9<br>RAW-RAW: 1<br>RAW-X3F: 2<br>TIFF: 50<br>XCF: 12<br>Total Items: 1660<br>: <br>Albums: 106<br>Tags: 165<br>: <br>Database backend: QSQLITE<br>
<br>- 133 unknown items found.<br>- 5 items are not faces. All others are fine.<br><br>Bugs : <br>- when scan is complete, progress bar continue to move...<br>- There is an album displayed as Unknown where there is no item. Why ? Look screenshot for details. in fact, it's an icon view problem at scrolling. Moving contents with mouse wheel change icon view.<br>
<br><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5322873069">http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5322873069</a><br><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5322873101">http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5322873101</a><br>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5323478176">http://www.flickr.com/photos/digikam/5323478176</a><br><br>Gilles<br>