Hi all<br><br>I use Pclinuxos 2010 KDE on an AMD Athlon XP 2000 with 1 Gb memory. I've used Digikam successfully for many years and now the following is occurring.<br><br>When I boot up Digikam loads several times over. I close it then it reloads again. This happens several times then it sits quietly.<br>
<br>I got this message:<br>"The
schema updating process from version 4 to 5 failed, caused by an error
that we did not expect. You can try to discard your old database and
start with an empty one. (On this case please remove the database files
"digikam.db' and " digikam.db4" from the directory /home/x/whatever.
More probably you will want to report this error to the <a href="mailto:digikam-devel@kde.org">digikam-devel@kde.org</a>, as well please have a look at digikam output ...<br><br>I
used mc to delete the digikam.db4 file, but still have digikam
attempting to reload numerous times when I reboot. I now also get this"<br>Configure Digikam<br>Collection settings<br>Set root album and database collection<br><br>Local Collection on removable data<br>Local collection on Network shares"<br>
<br>Any ideas to fix this - or is this bug reporeting.<br><br>Thanks<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Registered Linux user #386597 <a href="http://counter.li.org/">http://counter.li.org/</a><br>"The most beautiful thing in life we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true science." Einstein<br>