<div dir="ltr">I am final year computer science student from Saudi Arabia. My field of interest is image processing and artificial intelligence. I am
currently doing a remote sensing project titled (supervised <span>classification
of multi-spectral images using neural network). I am proficient in C/C++/Java/Matlab/Prolog.<br><br>I would like to develop and enhance digikam's face recognition capability along with image tagging. <br><br>Is there already a code for face detection/face recognition in digikam? <br>
</span><span>I am quite new to the OpenCV library. </span>I have been reading OpenCv in the last two days. <br><br>I think I can Use Eigenfaces method to detect faces/ extract features of the faces and inject features on neural network for classification. <br>
<br>The advantages of this approach is that we utilize the classification power of neural network ( can be retrained as new images are identified) and maintaining speed by limiting the data to face's features.<br><br>
The neural network library i am going to use Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN) available at <a href="http://leenissen.dk/fann/html/files/fann-h.html">http://leenissen.dk/fann/html/files/fann-h.html</a>.<br><br>
What do you think?<br><br><span><br><br><br></span></div>