Hello everyone!<br><br>My name is Voicu Gabriel, I am from Romania and I am studying Computer Science at University Polytechnics in Bucharest.<br><br>I would like to apply for your Reverse Geocoding and Improved Map Search project from Google Summer of Code 2010. I have some ideas about how to implement the tasks and Michael G. Hansen gave me some more explanations, so everything is a little bit clearer in my mind now. I am very excited by the idea of working on digikam, I always wanted to work on a photo editing and management software.<br>
<br>What should I do now to make me closer of being accepted? <br>What are your expectations from a student working at your projects?<br>If I want to speak more about the project, I can put all my questions or my idead here, on the mailing list?<br>
<br>Thank you and have a nice day!<br><br>--<br><br>Voicu Gabriel<br>