Hi all,<br><br>This is another tiedous job to do with KDE4/QT4 port : make digiKam fully portable under MacosX and Win32 (in native of course, without using X11 server).<br><br>The last dummy non portable depency which exists yet under digiKam implementation is about X11. yesterday, I have removed the first one into themeengine, and today all keyboard modifiers handling with drag & drop.
<br><br>In fact, the fix been simple to do with Qt4, but still complex to do using Qt3 (in fact with this last one, we don't care about portability).<br><br>With Qt4, QDropEvent provide a new method to handle keyboard modifiers :
<br><br><a href="http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://doc.trolltech.com/4.3/qdropevent.html#keyboardModifiers</a><br>
<br>...which can be used instead all X11 methods call...<br><br>Normally, now digiKam from trunk can be compiled as well under MACOS-X and WIN32... All others depencies to shared libraries are already portable :<br><br>- kde4libs
<br>- qt4libs<br>- Exiv2<br>- libkexiv2<br>- libkipi<br>- libkdcraw<br>- libpng<br>- libjpeg<br>- libtiff<br>- libjasper<br>- libsqlite<br><br>Of course, you need to install all these shared libraries under the target system before to try to compile digiKam... and of course when i said all shared libs, this include all development files (.h headers files)
<br><br>Tests are require...
Any volumters in this room ?<br><br>Gilles<br><br>PS : Marcel, I have try drag & drop with KDE4 port and Copy/Move an item from an album to another one do nothing. Why ?<br><br><br>