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i'm just translating the channel mixer handbook and found a typo and
something that i don't understand.<br>
1st the typo<br>
"With the channel combo box you select and display the histogram per
color or <br>
intensity value. It gives a first hint of how to correct the channels
by <br>
their relative distribution and amplitude. The left half of the dialog <br>
window always shows a preview of what you are doing. The orignal for <br>
<font color="#cc0000">comparisoncan </font>be seen when selecting its
own window tab."<br>
It should be<br>
"The orignal, for <font color="#cc0000">comparison, can </font>be
seen when selecting its own window tab."<br>
What i don't understand is the 1st sentence of thuis paragraph. As is
understood it, there should be a combo box where i could choice between
the colours and intensity. When i look at the dialog i could find the
colours, but there is no intensity. So did i miss something?<br>