[Digikam-devel] API documentation generated with Doxygen and Graphiz...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sat May 26 14:23:40 BST 2007

Yesterday, by IRC, Adrien Nicolas Bernhardt, a new developper witch work on
a new Image Editor plugin, ask me how to generate the digiKam API

On the web site the link to KDE web site where is auto-generated the API-DOC
is completly out of date :


Today, i have played with Doxygen with is used to generate API
documentation. I have set Doxygen to use Graphiz and provide UML diagrams.
You can see examples here :



Not all diagrams are generated, because it take a while. Just to generate
this documentation, my Double core PIV 1.6 Ghz have take around 90 mns...

The doxygen config file is on "project" sub-folder from svn. Just go to this
forder and run doxygen as well... and take a coffee (:=)))

You can set more UML diagrams with Kdevelop witch have a config GUI for
Doxygen. Just go to "Project/Project Options" menu entry and select "Doxgen"
tag on the left. All advanced diagrams settings are in "Dot" tab from the
top of config dialog...

Few days ago, Brian Remedios have posted a messages about UML diagrams
generated with a proprietary program. I think than Doxygen + Graphiz are
enough here, especially to forget proprietary programs to do it in
opensource project (:=)))

I hope than it can help future contributors...

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