[Digikam-devel] Comments on Light Table

Luis De la Parra lparrab at gmx.net
Thu May 24 20:25:24 BST 2007

On Thursday 24 May 2007 08:35:14 Gilles Caulier wrote:
> 2007/5/23, Luis De la Parra <lparrab at gmx.net>:
> Hum, are you tested to use Drag & drop between thumbbar and preview panels

yes. I've tried Drag & Drop.. and I think it's a good thing and should 
definitively stay as an option... but I think it is too slow...

> This mode is usefull for pro photograph witch have a lot of very similar
> pictures taken with a brief of time between shots. In this mode the
> pictures are loaded automaticly on Left and Right panels when you clic on a
> thumbs or when you use Page up / Page down. But i let's Arn to explain
> better this mode : he has the orginal idea to implemente it.

still don't see the point. If you have tons of photos, I *could* probably 
understand if you said "I want to scroll/review them all quickly".. but for 
that you would have to jump two pictures at a time: showing picture 1 and 
2..then clicking page down and showing 3 and 4 and not 2 and 3 like it is 
like I said.. I don't really have anything against this feature and I can just 
ignore it. Still.. I don't see the point, though.

> Personaly, i'm always using the mouse and never (excepted for some case)
> the keyboard. Toogle between mouse and keyboard is a waste of time to work.

Yes. I do use the mouse most of the time too.. but it does depend on the task 
you are doing.
If I have for example 25 pictures I just shot and want to quickly review them, 
trash the "no no"s and select the better ones from the rest, then I want to 
1)click once to open the first picture in the preview and then
2)without looking at anything else or reaching for the mouse, just do a 
quick "right arrow" or "page down" to change to the next one
3)if I really don't like the picture, quickly hit "delete" and have it 
dissapear and the next one automatically loaded
4)If I really like one, just hit "4" to give it 4 stars   ( I really don't 
want to grab the mouse, move it over the picture, do a right-mouse click and 
select the rating from a sub-menu
5)repeat from 2) untill I'm done. 

If you have good keyboard shortcuts (which I think Digikam doesn't have at the 
moment), the keyboard can speed things a lot. specially if you have to do the 
same thing for a lot of images (reviewing, sorting bads out, rating)

I think Digikam as a photo management and photo-editor is a very very very 
powerful application, and I really like it. and I think it has pretty much 
all features I want (at least the big part of them =), but some actions 
just "take too long":
*rating is too difficult (submenu in popup-menu), or just one click on the 
sidebar, but then you don't see the metadata.
*if you want to see exif AND iptc, it takes at least two clicks. 
*the editor is very powerful, but the most-used options should probaby be 
available on a panel and not only on the menu. one of the items in my 
whish-list is cropping and small rotation (horizon correction) directly on 
the image and not trough a dialog in the menu. (cropping is 'almost' there.. 
it's only missing "doulbe click on the selected area to commit the crop".
clicking and dragging up/down to rotate the photo a few degrees is still 

ok ok. so this is degenerating to a  "the few things I find annoying about 
digikam"-mail, which is really NOT my intention. All I wanted to do with this 
mail was to tell you that I find the LT great, and that I would find it even 
better if the navigation was easier.

> > instead of opening a new window. maybe it's just me, because everyone
> > seems
> > to find this ok (same goes for the editor)
> This is my first approach to develop Light Table, but... After some tests,
> i have seen than embedding LT on Album GUI will introduce some problems :

yes. I know this is easier said than done.

> Here i use Xinerama with 3 flats screens to work on pictures. It's very
> very very powerfull. I have one screen for album gui, one for LT, one for

wow.. 3 flats.  that sound like fun!

> Well, to be homogenous with the rest of digiKam : image editor, preview
> mode
> >from album gui, image plugins preview mode (noise reduction tool for ex.),
> etc. All use the middle mouse button to move preview contents.
consistency is good... "usefullness" is better:
the LT does not use the normal click for anything, so...
> use the pan icon widget on the right bottom corner of editor and preview
> panels ?
yes, and it's great. If I want to go from one corner of the photo to the 
other, the pan-widgets is wonderful. If I want to just move a few centimeters 
from where my mouse currently is.. dragging a bit is faster.

> Thanks again (:=))))

you're welcome!  I really think digikam is __by far__ the best photo-app for 
linux, and feature-wise is really very advanced. the only negative point I'd 
give it, is that (for me) some of the great features are more difficult to 
use than they have to.


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