<div>Hola!<br><br>For Kate's new search and replace behaviour, Dominik added a screenshot (attached) and edited what I send to him comme ça:<br><br><start article><br>
The highlighting appearance in Kate's search and replace function has been<br>
</div>modified. Dominik, one of the Kate developers, changed this behavior on<br>
several user requests, who never figured out that pressing Escape was needed<br>
<div>to remove these highlightings :)<br>
</div>In the commit message he refers to the change as "a truly sad day", since he<br>
personally like the feature quite a lot. The commit message explains the new<br>
behavior in detail:<br>
Up to KDE SC 4.9, the search & replace highlights stay, even if you close<br>
the search & replace bar. You had to press Escape to manually remove them.<br>
>From KDE SC 4.10 on, there will be a notification bar on the bottom of the<br>
view that tells the user the amount of search & replace matches. This bar stay<br>
visible for about 6 seconds, then it hides itself automatically. And then,<br>
i.e. after these 6 seconds, the search & replace highlights are also<br>
I wrote "this is a sad day", since I personally liked the previous behavior<br>
a lot. But there seemed to be quite some users who never figured out that<br>
Escape was needed to remove these highlightings :)<br>
</div><end article><br><br>the Homerun-snipped: Aurélian added the part about the Runner API and supported the article's inclusion into the digest. <br><br><article><br>Homerun¹, a fullscreen launcher developped by Shaun Reich and Aurélien
Gateau, made its debut² release. Although it's currently at version
0.1.0, it already looks³ functional(4). Integration with Activities (5)
is planned and other interesting ideas are afloat. Download and build
instructions can be found at Aurélien's blog².<br><br>The homerun developers are investigating with other Plasma developers how to rework/extend the Runner API so that there they can avoid the need of a separate Sources API in the future.<br>
<br><br><br>1: <a href="http://userbase.kde.org/Homerun" target="_blank">http://userbase.kde.org/Homerun</a><br>2: <a href="http://agateau.com/2012/11/14/introducing-homerun/" target="_blank">http://agateau.com/2012/11/14/introducing-homerun/</a><br>
3: <a href="http://agateau.com/2012/11/14/introducing-homerun/thumb_homerun-containment.png" target="_blank">http://agateau.com/2012/11/14/introducing-homerun/thumb_homerun-containment.png</a><br>4: <a href="http://youtu.be/6WcllgzepRY" target="_blank">http://youtu.be/6WcllgzepRY</a><br>
<br>embedded alternative: <br><iframe width="420" height="315" src="<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6WcllgzepRY?rel=0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/embed/6WcllgzepRY?rel=0</a>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br>
<br>5: <a href="http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities" target="_blank">http://userbase.kde.org/Plasma#Activities</a> <br><br></article><br><br>Let me know if / how I can prepare these articles better for the digest in case I ll write again : )<br>