Hello team,<br><br>With the start of the new year and a little over a year (a year and 3 months to be exact) of the move to the collectively edited kde commit digest, I thought it would worth checking in and see how people are feeling about the digest and how it has been going thus far? It appears that we have found a certain rhythm that has been working fairly well and each task (editing, reviewing, classifying, writing features, and backend work) has largely been adopted by one person each, to varying degrees. Do we feel that this is working well? Any visions to where the digest could go or how the digest might benefit from a change?<br>
<br>A thought I have had from time to time is to include a small blurb for additional support somewhere in each digest issue with an email address or link.<br><br>I hope this finds everyone well, and happy Chinese new year to those celebrating it!<br>