Many fixes for Stage

David Faure faure at
Fri Oct 2 08:52:58 BST 2015

I used Stage to make a presentation yesterday, and I have many bugfixes
to submit (and then some questions, and some bug reports).

I just pushed the trivial fixes (typos and cleanups), but how do you want the patches for the more substantial ones?
Reviewboard? Phabricator? Patch on ML? Just push, there's nobody to review them anyway?

* 5454835 - Fix empty animation steps when removing animations.
* ddc2159 - PictureShapeConfigWidget: ensure we only select existing files.
* a3edc77 - PictureShapeConfigWidget: add error handling to KIO::Job.
* 019145d - Remove AnimationTmpData struct, take two pointers for output values instead.
* f1775d8 - Fix crash when exiting Stage and the presentation mode is still on
* a446d5c - Make Esc stop the presentation also in the main view.
* d7569bf - Cleanup KActionMenu usage: activated() is never emitted, member var not needed.
* 242c772 - Avoid hitting assert in QPainter when CropWidget tries to paint a null image rect.
* b690f72 - Color set dialog: make combo non-editable, since typing a random name serves no purpose there.
* c733029 - Fix crash when typing a bogus color-set name in the color set dialog.
* c061c8c - Unselect text when the text tool is deactivated

In addition: why did this commit to calligra/2.8 was never merged to calligra/2.9?
Was I supposed to forwardport my commits rather than relying on a regular git merge?

PS: please CC me I'm not subscribed.

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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