Questions on POLE library (and HancomWord support)

Park Shinjo kde at
Sun Jan 6 16:32:05 GMT 2013

Hello, This is my first message to this list.

I am working on Hancom Word (mostly known as HWP) support on KDE
environment. Haansoft has released specifications of its HWP file format in
late 2010, making HWP support outside of Hancom Word possible.

The HWP document is based on Microsoft OLE compound document format, and
currently Calligra Words uses POLE (as far as I know) for parsing this
format. Since its internal structure is different from any other kind of
files, and I want to reuse code as much as possible, I want to ask some
questions for POLE.

1) How can I use POLE library outside of Calligra? I am currently working
on thumbnailer and metadata indexer of HWP format, and it currently uses
libgsf. For further integration with Calligra, I want to switch codebase to
what Calligra currently uses. Rendering of document is not necessarily
required here, since HWP file contains preview image and text. I'm also
interested in implementing viewer function inside Okular too.

2) Is POLE library inside libmso considered as "upstream"? I have found
implementation of POLE outside of Calligra, but it seems that code is not
exactly same as Calligra's code.

I am not "yet" interested for restoring hancomword importer (and maintain
it) in Calligra words, as there's no real code now. Choosing right codebase
will help integration, so I'm asking how I can handle OLE compound document
via POLE.

Park Shinjo
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