Automatic checking of the sources on global level

Inge Wallin inge at
Sun Aug 11 14:10:08 BST 2013

I have written a new python script a bit like called  Like 
the name suggests it only checks and reports on problems, it doesn't fix 

This first version checks for faulty or non-existant include guards, which is 
per file, and for export macros, which is per directory. So if there is more 
than one export macro used in one directory then it reports this, as it is 
perhaps a sign that something was moved but not changed correctly.

The reason I wrote it is because I and many others have had problems with link 
errors and build errors that were difficult to find.

I have run it on all of calligra and fixed the bigger problems I found in libs/ 
and filters/.  But I recomend that you run it on your own application.  The 
results are quite interesting...

To run it, just cd to the top directory and run:

 devtools/chksrc/ <directory> 

where <directory> is the top of the tree you want to check, e.g. krita or 
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