[Bugsquad] Heads up on Extra Mile initiative

Janek Bevendorff jbev_kdelists at refining-linux.org
Sat Jul 21 22:02:04 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1


The Extra Mile Initiative seems to be a pretty good idea. Minor bugs
are often neglected. But often it's the small things that make using a
product a pleasure or a pain. Those tiny glitches that always get in
the way a little let you decide whether you love using a program or
not. Big bugs are of course very important to fix, but in the end the
overall user experience is determined by the smoothness of the whole
product, not individual big failures.
That's one reason why I sometimes tend to report also very little
glitches (for which other people wouldn't care at all).
Having such an initiative hopefully helps with ironing out these nasty
guys as well. :-)

BTW I'd be okay with assigning the meta bug to kde-testing at kde.org,
but subscribing to the bug is the better solution IMHO.
I have two separate mail accounts for KDE mailings lists and bug
reports. Not getting bug mails to the kde-testing ML would keep them
separate and I wouldn't receive redundant notifications for EMBs I
subscribed to.


On 07/21/2012 11:23 PM, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi Aurélien,
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau at kde.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Following the Akademy BoF session, I have been working a bit on
>> setting things up for the Extra Mile initiative.
>> # Wiki page
>> There is now a reference wiki page: 
>> http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Extra_Mile
> Great work, thank you!
>> # Bugzilla setup
>> I opted for using a tracker bug in bugzilla to track (sic) extra
>> mile bugs. This is bug 303462, which is aliased as "extramile",
>> so https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=extramile points you to
>> it.
>> (I decided to use a tracker bug instead of a keyword because it
>> is possible to subscribe to a tracker bug, and should this
>> initiative stops in the future, the unused keyword won't be
>> staying around)
>> sysadmins are working on getting the bugzilla-mediawiki plugin
>> installed, which will make it easy to list extramile bugs on the
>> wiki page. Meanwhile, one can list them with this query:
>> https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?f1=blocked&list_id=151096&o1=anywords&query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&v1=303462
Do you think it would make sense to add it as a global saved search?
> I made a saved search called ExtraMile bugs, just add it to your 
> footer in your preferences, it should be visible to all people with
> at least "canconfirm" rights.
>> Right now the assignee for the tracker bug is myself. Do you
>> think it should be kde-testing@ or any another address?
> That is up to you to choose. I wouldn't mind assigning it to 
> kde-testing@, but some people might be concerned about the traffic 
> this generates. Maybe letting people just subscribe to it for now. 
> ,
>> # Getting started
>> So far there are very few bugs listed there, 2 from Gwenview, 4
>> from KDE Telepathy, which is understandable since the initiative
>> hasn't been publicly announced.
> I don't remember if this was mentioned already, but there also is
> the Papercuts project of KDE-multimedia: 
> http://community.kde.org/Multimedia/100_Papercuts
> it might be worth to talk to them to coordinate the effort.
>> I will be on vacation from August 10 to 25, with little to none
>> Internet access, so I want to wait until I am back to blog about
>> it (and possibly unleash the flood). Until then, if you have bug
>> reports which you consider candidates for extra mile bugs it
>> would be great if you could mark them as such. This would help
>> bootstraping the initiative before going fully public.
> Enjoy your holiday, we will try to fill up the list a bit more in
> the mean time :)
> Regards, Myriam

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