[Bugsquad] Dot draft article, please review

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Nov 24 16:18:08 CET 2010


The beta 1 will not be out today, maybe tomorrow or later.
In the meantime, we get more time to prepare. We'll post a Dot article to 
promote this bug triaging and Michael "lemma" contacted distros packagers so 
when they blog about their packages they will add a line about the bug 

In the evening I should get my hands on an etherpad which would maybe make 
working on this draft more convenient. 
In the meantime, copy/paste it with your changes and additions! I am not very 
imaginative today...
The title itself needs improvements!

A week of post-beta bug squashing!

KDE 4.6 first beta is out and the KDE team would be very happy to start fixing 
bugs quite quickly.
After the betas we could then focus on quality check for the Release 

We need your help: we need you to issue high quality bug reports and we need 
you to triage and reproduce bugs.

When? From Saturday 27th November to Saturday 4th December
Pre-requisites? Have KDE trunk or the beta 1 installed - if not you can still 
help with a stable 4.5.3 release
Where? On IRC on freenore network, channel #kde-bug and <insert techbase page>
Why? You can contribute to KDE for a few moments and help making a better 
release! Our bugsquad team will help you and you'll have fun helping us!



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