[Bugsquad] Next bug triaging: a full week after the beta 1 release?

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Nov 17 18:56:24 CET 2010

Hi people,

We talked on IRC about setting up a bug-triaging week after the beta 1.

Improve the 4.6 quality by fixing bugs from the beta 1
What to triage: all recent bug reports (beta 1 and pre beta 1 trunk ones)
Include 4.5 ones?

Idea: "Top10s Specials"
Make a list of Top Duplicates (is it possible to count dups with bugzilla?)
Make a list of quickest fixed ones
Other possible Top 10s?

Quality Aim
A good triaging will make devels aware of the bugs. Also we will make devels 
aware of this and they'll be keen to polish their software.

--- When---
Just after the beta 1 (release should be 24th November)
so I propose the week 27th November to 4th December

--- Tools ---
IRC #kde-bugs on freenode: ask direct questions 
KDE-Forum: read the Klassroom
triage page (list of bugs per batches of 5) on community.kde.org?
participants: register your batch and get to work

--- Set up your environment ---
- get KDE 4.6 beta 1 ==> distros:?
- get it with kdesrc-build?
- get trunk
- have a default environment ready: set a new $KDEHOME in order to achieve 
this (or a test user)

--- Get ready to triage ---
- you have a bugzilla account
- take a batch of 5 bug reports to triage
- if you reproduce, mark as CONFIRMED and add a comment that it was tested by
the bugsquad and reproduced on <insert your environment here = built trunk, 
built beta, packaged beta,...)

--- Promotion ---
Blogs - Identi.ca - Twitter - Dot

Goal: Help achieve a quality 4.6 release
Requisites: the beta 1 or trunk
Triage batches of 5 bug reports: confirm bugs, mark duplicates, check product, 
check assignee

---Tasks ---
Set up Forum docs: neverendigo?
Dot article: Annma, Mamarok?
Define the batch of bugs to triage:?
Be there on IRC:
Forum Presence:

What do you think? We need to move quickly now if we want this after the beta 

All the best,


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