[Bugsquad] Bugreporting barrier is too low with the new Dr. Konqi

FiNeX finex at finex.org
Fri Nov 13 10:25:09 CET 2009

In data venerdì 13 novembre 2009 02:40:04, Darío Andrés ha scritto:
> Mh, it seems that bugzilla won't accept entering bugs with a closed
> state. We could implement a patch or use a keyword instead (something
> like "automatic_unverified_report"). What do you think ? Devs can
> ignore reports with that keyword in their queries, too bad we can't
> fix the statistics :-\ (or may be we can fix them, patching them)

-1 for the patch
-1 for the keyword

It should be used a bug state in order to keep the common workflow.

Actually it exists the "UNCONFIRMED" state which is set when a bug is 
submitted from a human. "AUTOMATIC_UNVERIFIED_REPORT" could be a new state 
(which is not selectable from users). Probably this could allow to fix 
statistics easier.
> I have been also wondering if we could implement a remote agnostic
> interface, so DrKonqi will be able to communicate with bugs.kde.org
> system regardless of the bugtracking system (useful if we ever migrate
> to another system, and to write a better implementation to retrieve
> the bugs' data  (parsing HTTP after POST/GET HTTP requests is ~nasty~
> (current way)).
> With a custom (and own) interface we could provide a stable remote API
> for DrKonqi even for stable (not trunk) KDE versions (bugzilla xmlrpc
> is unstable API, we can't rely on it, bugzilla upgrades will break
> it).

Sincerly I would not spend time on this task now: migrating from bugzilla to 
the-super-fantastic-bug-reporting-systemTM which currently nobody knows, seems 
not an immediate needing. :-) :-) :-)


by FiNeX
finex (@) finex (.) org
Linux Registered User #306523

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