[Bugsquad] Wrapping up last bugday, next buday

Michael Leupold lemma at confuego.org
Fri Oct 31 08:41:03 CET 2008

Hi everyone,

all in all I'd say our last bugday was a success. We had more people attending 
than the 2 days before and we managed to triage and krush quite a bit. I was 
also surprised to see that fixing the bugs has already started. This gives me 
the feeling that working on KOffice was quite worth it. I'll try to blog about 
it tonight.

I know some of you are still working on triaging and krushing but I'd also 
like to remind you to add your newly found bugs to bugzilla. Only then the 
koffice developers will have a chance to know what's going on.

According to our schedule our next bugday is still TBA. So, I'd like to talk 
about that. Possibilities that come to my mind:
1. More KOffice - why not, there's some triaging work left and plenty of stuff 
to krush.
2. amarok - Lydia mentioned they'd need verification on some bugs. Only 23 so 
that doesn't make a whole bugday. Still, if anyone would like to take care of 
it help is probably much appreciated.
3./4. kdepim or konqueror. Both still have plenty of bugs to triage left :)

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