[Bugsquad] Next bugday

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 16:27:17 CET 2008

2008/12/29 George Goldberg <grundleborg at googlemail.com>:
> However, imho it would be better use
> of our time to work on KOffice just now, since the developers are
> actually asking for more bug reports.

That is a good point. Here is a project where the devs _want_ help.

> The reason why I am reluctant to
> do KOrganizer again is because when we did work on kde-pim back in
> May/June [1] some people became rather frustrated with the fact that
> very little was done in the short-term about the bugs we listed. On
> the other hand, looking at that page, and particularly the KOrg
> section again, I see a lot of crossed out lines, which means that a
> lot of the bugs we reported did get dealt with in the end.
> [1]  http://techbase.kde.org/Contribute/Bugsquad/BugDays/KDEPIMKrush1

I closed some of the bugs on that page in the past few months, and
even closed two or three of them today! I've triaged everything that I
could on that page.

>> Are you suggesting that the problem with Korganizer is a shortage of
>> developers? I ask because I currently depend upon Korganizer but I am
>> stuck on KDE 3 until Korganizer is put in a more usable state. Should
>> I just jump ship and move to evolution for a stable, usable calendar
>> application? This is a serious question, not an attack, because I
>> depend upon these apps.
> I don't think so. Just there is no shortage of open bug reports and
> obvious issues to be working on.
> So, to be honest, I think whoever sets up the pages/publicity for the
> next bug day can decide ;). I have no objection to working on either
> app.

I will nicely contact the Korganizer team and see if I can arrange
something. That app needs work.


Dotan Cohen



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