[Appeal] Oxygen update and thoughts

David Vignoni david.vignoni at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 00:01:37 CEST 2005


I've uploaded a new preview for default folder and mimetype:

On the preview there are some considerations about why I did them that way.
Soon I hope to have some more time to start a high development and put
toghether a guidelines.

For now I think we agree on folders and mimetypes.

* For Devices I would like to follow Aaron suggestions:

1 - for hardware like printers, usb sticks, monitors and so on :
Realistic design with a frontal high view when possible.

2- for media things like CDs, floppies, memory card I would like the
same perspective of mimetypes, with the object lying on the desktop.

* For actions I would suggest to 2 sizes only for small (24x24 or
22x22) and big (32x32 or 48x48) and those should be done raster
graphics, with solid outline, they have to be when possible one object

* For applications: well here depends on the object, but I would
suggest a design that doesn't change too much from current crystal or
nuvola icons, so we can save many. So applications icons will have
bigger outline than folders, mimetypes and devices, and can use
higlights effects.

* EMBLEMS: we'll have emblems like nautilus in the new filemanager?

 - - - - - - - 

 I also hope we'll reduce if not even eradicate icons from
applications menus and contestual menus.


David Vignoni

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