<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>I posted on this previously on kde-request but got no
replies. So I am posting again. The idea was to improve the lyrics
retrieval system of the music player packaged with KDE - Amarok .
Whenever I play a song I get to see the lyrics of only those songs which
are tagged properly and also for some songs i get the wrong lyrics(for
example : Bad- Michael Jackson it starts with "Your butt is mine"
whereas it is "Your Blood is mine!"). I really dont understand half of
the english songs I listen and rely heavily on lyrics coz it embarrases
me sometimes when i know the tune but not the lyrics. <br><br></div>I tried other music players but there was no difference. <br></div>My
idea is to use an external database of acoustic fingerprinting and
incorporate it into amarok so that the song is correctly tagged and
hence the lyrics has higher chances of being correct after being
searched on the relevant websites.<br><br></div>I am willing to do a
project on this to add this feature into amarok, and would be grateful
if someone would be willing to mentor me upon this. </div>