Hello, <br> <br>I had to think a lot about if I should try to participate. <br>But since I really love coding opensource, I decided to give it a try. <br>And
being sponsored would allow me to do some opensource work, which I most
likely won't be able otherwise, since I'm earning my life by
programming for a company.<br><br>I've got three proposals, all related somehow to Kde, I'll send them to the according mailing lists. <br> <br>What
I write here is not the official proposal, it's just a suggestion and
the question whether someone would like to be the mentor.<br><br><br>This proposal is about an alternative playlist for amarok.<br> I've been thinking about such a playlist for 5 years now, but didn't find the time to implement it yet.
<br><br>One feature should be the ability to index cds and dvds.<br>This catalog should be searchable then.<br>If the user tries to play files which are not stored locally, amarok should request the media and load the files into a cache.
<br><br>Another feature would be a sort of filter chain.<br>The playlist should be divided into several windows, which the user can add and remove dynamically.<br>Each window shows the possible choices of one filter.<br>These are the filters I'm thinking about:
<br>Artist, style, mood, media, title, album, rating, tags, playlist, (..?).<br><br>Tagging mp3's should also be quite easy: If the users drags a file onto a filter box, the file should be tagged with the item where it has been dropped.
<br>e.g. Drag abc.mp3 onto the filterbox for the style, say industrial, -> abc.mp3 is now tagged with "industrial".<br>This should also work by dragging "industrial" onto abc.mp3.<br><br>The same should work for several files, selected either with the mouse or
e.g the tag "industrial".<br>e.g. drag the album "xyx" onto mood "happy" -> all files which belong to the album "xyx" are tagged now with "happy".<br><br><br><br>This are just the ideas I have, it would be great if someone would like to be the mentor.
<br>Getting some hints would be great, especially because I don't know the internals of amarok yet.<br><br> <br>A very short biography of me: <br> <br>I'm living in Nuremberg, Germany. <br>I started programming with 11 years, and was really fascinated.
<br>Now I'm 27 years old, and still fascinated. <br>I've learned several programming languages in the years, but I'd say I love cpp and perl. <br>I'm studying at the university Erlangen-Nuernberg a mixture (Magister) of Philosophy, History and Psychology.
<br>However, I'll have free this year until october, so I'd have plenty of time for this proposal.<br> <br> <br>Best wishes, <br>Michael <br><br>