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<p>Beeing an avvid Amarok fan in my home office and MythTV fan in my living room, I propose that the Amarok and Myth teams invest a couple of hours in investigating how Amarok could be tweaked to be the preferred Myth-Music replacement plugin in MythTV.</p>
<p>The benefits for both Amarok and Myth exist on multiple levels. For Amarok, it would significantly increase the user-base and usability of the excellent work already gone into the program, and for MythTV, it would further propel MythTV into being the number one Linux-based mediacenter solution.</p>
<p>(I know MythTV is primarily a TV-centric solution, but when a PC is already present in the livingroom, it's no longer sufficient to be the best TV recorder/player - it should also be the best music-player)</p>
<p>As MythMusic appears to be virtually unmaintained, and Amarok is by far the most user-friendly and consistent Music-player available on any OS, I see only benefits from making a "Myth-port" of Amarok. Both are KDE/Qt-based, and I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing I had better compatibility in my music-collection in my living room and office (both getting the source .ogg/.mp3's from the same NFS share).</p>
<p>I'm no expert programmer, but would very much like to contribute to an AmarkOnMyth-project if any of the expers on this list see the benefit?</p>
<p>The least we should do is open the item for discussion.</p>
<p>Happy New Year!</p>