Hello!<br><br>I was wandering if somebody has read my message. Please confirm that you have and let me elucidate:<br><br>There is one string in the localization for:<br><br>1. Last Played (Smart List/Collection/ Last played) -
<span style="font-weight: bold;">it is plural there</span>... meaning last plaeyd tracks.<br>2. Last Played (right click on a track/Edit Track &Information/Summary) - <span style="font-weight: bold;">it is singular there
</span>(regarding that particular track).<br><br>In English it doesn't make a difference, but in other languages, like Bulgarian, it does.<br>So, please, add a new string to make Amarok better and adequate. <br><br>Kind regards,
<br>Zlatko Popov,<br>Bulgarian KDE localization leader<br><br><br>2006/11/5, Златко Попов <<a href="mailto:zlatkopopov@gmail.com">zlatkopopov@gmail.com</a>>:<br>> Hi!<br>> <br>> My name is Zlatko Popov, curently a KDE localization leader.
<br>> Briefly, I have a situation with Amarok with "Last Played". The<br>> problem is that there is only one string for the "Smart List" and<br>> "Track Info -> Last Played". Well, I doesn't make a difference in
<br>> English, but it does ni mine and perhaps in other languages too.<br>> <br>> Please, add a separate string for that one.<br>> <br>> That's for now. Hope to be helpful. :)<br>> <br>> Kind regards,
<br>> Zlatko Popov<br>