Playlist re-order issue

Kyler Geston kylergeston at
Sun Mar 5 19:58:01 GMT 2023


I have been using Amarok 2.9.0 on Linux Ubuntu for a long time now. I
really like it as it has made it very easy for playing my music. Especially
for being how simple it is to use. The best thing I like is that it
remembers the playlist so I don't have to open one every time as you would
have to do with other players. Just open the app and hit play. So awesome!!

I do have one nagging question however.....
When I added my music to the main playlist window I built the playlist in
the order I wanted to listen to. For some reason or other one of my songs
has become out of order and I cannot figure out how to put it in it's
rightful place.
So for example this one song used to be in position 23 (all though there
are no song numbers I am just using this as a reference) and now it has
jumped to position 8. I have tried everything I can think of to put this
song back to the correct position (23) but for the life of me I cannot
figure it out. If I use the mouse and try to drag and drop it does not
work. When trying to move it but mouse or cut and paste the song in the
playlist stays in the same location....  even though you are dragging it
and dropping it to the correct location. I tried using Shift, Ctrl, Alt
keys as a combo to see if that would work but to no avail. Is the playlist
locked or protected in any way preventing me from adjusting the order ?
Please let me know as this is driving me crazy. BTW If I add new music then
it goes to the very end of the playlist.... to which I already knew when I
first created this playlist.

I would appreciate any reply.

Thank you,

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