Automated Playlist Generator: Congratulations! And feature request (Copy playlist result to Media player)

Christian Esken esken at
Mon Aug 23 12:37:14 UTC 2010

On Monday 23 August 2010 13:28:47 Bart Cerneels wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 12:44, Christian Esken <esken at> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am quite happy about that new Automated Playlist Generator.
> > Congratulations to that major improvement to Amarok.
> > 

> > Now for my feature request: I would like to copy the results from the APG
> > to my media player. Is it correct, that this is not possible at the
> > moment?
> The short answer is that it's partially available.
> [...]
> They also miss an important feature: they don't copy
> tracks over. Everyone is more then welcome to fix and improve this.
> The currently active playlist can be copied directly to an attached
> device using the save button at the bottom of the playlist (long
> press).

Yes. I know that button. But as you mentioned they don't copy tracks.

> APG doesn't use the generic Playlists framework and so can't be copied
> or synced to devices. It will have to be refactored in order to make
> it's playlists available to the rest of Amarok and will get
> copying/syncing for free.

Great. Thanks for the insight.

A simple solution-for-all would be if one could copy the actual tracks from 
the active playlist to the media player. The solution is good, because you can 
get simply *anything* you like to play in that list. It doesn't follow 
dynamically (Podcasts, dyn. Playlists), but most things would work.

I mean something like:
 Select tracks (e.g. CTRL-a) -> Context menu -> - Copy to Media Player

Would that be complicated? I could even try to look into it myself if somebody 
gives me some hints where to start.


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