suggested artists...

Chris Joelly chris-m-lists at
Fri Oct 16 06:47:11 UTC 2009

Hello all,

i am curious if anyone has a suggestion for the suggestion
"problems" with amarok :-)

The artists suggestion feature is somehow nice, abut it seems to
have serious problems. Imagine lots of artists with the same name, then the
suggestions are a really mess. Ok, its only artist name based, so this -
i think - is a problem by design. As the feature is not really good at
the moment in Amarok 2 - as i get the impression - on the mailing list,
maybe if this feature is improving over time it would be good to rethink
the "artist selection algorithm"? maybe it is possible to take the
"genre" tags into account so that the suggestions increase in quality?

Sure, this is not the 100% solution, but i think on average the
suggestions will be better. has the troubles with their
recommendations too, also by design :-) But maybe things approve if the
algos are better designed and take more parameters into account?



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