GSoC proposal draft: Spatial collection with fuzzy queries

Soren Harward stharward at
Mon Mar 2 12:29:12 UTC 2009

On 3/1/09, Teo Mrnjavac <teo.mrnjavac at> wrote:
> Please take the time to read the first draft of my GSoC proposal for a
> spatial collection with fuzzy queries and give me some feedback.

This is an awesome idea.  I already started playing around with using
the acoustic fingerprinting data to create a self-organizing map of my
collection, and creating an appropriate Plasma applet for Amarok's
context view was going to be my next project after the APG gets
finished.  I can't formally mentor a GSoC student (I don't feel like I
have enough history with the project, and I may be too busy during the
summer anyway), but if you need math/algorithmic advice, I'd be happy
to help.

Soren Harward

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