Notice: Don't use Qt 4.5.1 with Amarok 2

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Apr 24 18:48:56 UTC 2009

On 24.04.09 19:43:01, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> Hi all,
> just a note to spare you some frustration:
> Qt 4.5.1 has a known regression in the SVG renderer component, which
> makes Amarok (and many other applications) look very funny - or not so
> funny, depending on your kind of humor.
> The bug has been fixed today by Qt Software, so it will be fine in Qt
> 4.5.2, once it is released. Until then I recommend against upgrading
> to Qt 4.5.1, unless you (or your distro) patch it.

For sake of completeness:
Or you're running with qt-copy and are applying the patches in it as the
patch is included there too.


Don't feed the bats tonight.

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