Comments chopped at 28 chars

Leif B. Kristensen leif at
Wed May 28 13:12:32 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 28. May 2008, Rich wrote:

>could it be that the file previously had id3v2.3 tag and you edited
> tags - and you use taglib version 1.4 ?
>1.4 had a nasty bug where editing tags for a file with v2.3 tags would
>drop id3v2 tag completely. editing it again created proper 2.4 tag.

You're probably on to something.

1.4 is the currently stable version of taglib in Gentoo. I have now 
opened for the unstable version, and have compiled taglib 1.5. Do I 
also have to recompile Amarok?
Leif Biberg Kristensen | Registered Linux User #338009 | Cruising with Gentoo/KDE
My Jazz Jukebox:

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