EasyTAG-2.1.4-destroyed cover

Jakob Sack jakob.sack at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 21 12:42:00 UTC 2008

Hello Jérôme,

I applied your patch and it does work better indeed :-) Unfortunately, amarok 
still has issues with the cover.
The cover is saved perfectly but has one additional byte (00) in the very 
beginning. *GRML* I really don't know which program has a bug at this point 
because I don't know whether this byte belongs there (in the mp3 file) or 
If I can help you I'll be glad to do my best but keep in mind I'm C 
programmer :-)


Am Sonntag, 20. Januar 2008 23:17:30 schrieben Sie:
> Hi,
>     The problem seems to be due to a bug in taglib that don't support
> frames with unsynchronisation.
> Could you test the attached patch to don't write unsynchronised frames
> with EasyTAG?
> Regards,
> Jerome
> Jakob Sack wrote, the 02.01.2008 17:05 :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've got a problem with EasyTAG. I added a cover to a mp3 file and played
> > it with amarok. Unfortunately, the cover is displayed completely
> > destroyed. After some investigation I found out that rhythmbox shows the
> > cover without any problem. The cover extracted by amarok has some
> > additional bits compared to the source file. However, these bits already
> > exist in the mp3 file. Is EasyTAG "destroying" the image? I mean
> > rhythmbox and EasyTAG are both GTK based apps, Amarok and Konqueror (also
> > showing the destroyed image) are KDE apps.
> > I hope this error will be fixed soon (btw I'm not the only Amarok user
> > having this problem)
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Jakob

That means I'll have to use $ans to suppress newlines now.
Life is ridiculous.
             -- Larry Wall in Configure from the perl distribution

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