
Donn Washburn n5xwb at hal-pc.org
Mon Jun 25 22:27:34 UTC 2007

Say Goof!  Sorry for the mistake on amarok.err yesterday.
It was coming from another source with inconv problems
Hey Group.

1.4.5 compiles nicely but 1.4.6 fails on the same machine with the same
configure "--variable=".  As you can see inconv again is the headache
Apparently something is changed between 5 and 6.  5 is working as I
type.  SuSE 10.3 Alpha 4 and libinconv is installed,  Maybe SuSE puts it
in a non standard place.

However, this one is correct.  Anyone know why amarokconfig.h would be 
missing after configure has been run?
73 de Donn Washburn
307 Savoy Street     Email: " n5xwb at hal-pc.org "
Sugar Land, TX 77478 LL#
Ham Callsign N5XWB   HAMs : " n5xwb at arrl.net "
VoIP via Gizmo: bmw_87kbike / via Skype: n5xwbg
BMW MOA #: 4146 - Ambassador
        " http://counter.li.org " #279316

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The transistor was invented by three white men.

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