[Feedback] Suggestions

Rich rich at hq.vsaa.lv
Mon Jul 9 13:53:41 UTC 2007

On 2007.07.09. 16:44, can.koemek at gmail.com wrote:
> Can Koemek hat eine Nachricht mit dem Kontaktformular auf
> http://amarok.kde.org/de/contact geschickt.
> Dear Amarok team,
> I'm sure you get a lot of suggestions for your amazing program, which is
> one of my favourite software by the way.
> But since I'm using this programm every day with lots of joy, I'm missing
> two major features.
> The first one is the ability to "tag" or "label" single songs. For
> example, I could tag/label all my electro music songs with the tag/label
> "Electro", etc...

first, you could use 'genre' id3 tag for this. additionally, there is a 
support for labeling/tagging tracks with keywords - in track proprties, 
see 'labels' tab.

> In additions to this, I'd love to have a little checkbox
> where I can choose which songs, depending on their tag/label, are shown in
> the playlist.

here you have several very good options :

1. in collection browser filter field (located at the top of it), enter 
genre:electro (if you used genre tag). you can also use filter building 
dialog (the icon to the right of filter field).

2. select "group by" to use 'genre for the first level (you can also 
select 'label' here)

additionally, you might be interested in 'ipod view' (using buttons at 
the top of the collection browser)

> The second feature I'd love to see in Amarok is an improved file browser
> which shows the rating of every song, so that one can choose the songs for
> his playlist with more information and overview.

you can try using 'flat' collection browser - again, you can select it 
with buttons located at the top of the collection browser. there, enter 
some search filter and enable 'rating' column.

or, another way - you can create a smart playlist, which would use 
rating to favour higher rated tracks more.

if you don't know how to use smart and dynamic playlists, maybe 
http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Dynamic_Playlist_Walkthrough can help.

note that amarok is showing more of it's potential if you are using the 
advanced features like collection, smart playlists and dynamic 
playlists. this also allows to keep your playlist short, which makes 
amarok faster and you - happier.

also, make sure you are using latest version of amarok, as some of the 
features have appeared or were improved lately.

> I hope you'll consider my suggestions for the next version of Amarok,
> which I'm very curious about.
> Thanks and best regards,
> Can Koemek.

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